Kelly Englemann: Welcome to the All Things Sexual Wellness Podcast, hosted by Enhanced Wellness Living, where we’re gonna teach you everything you need to know about all things sexual wellness. Hi, I’m Kelly Engelmann, host of All Things Sexual Wellness podcast. I’m a family nurse practitioner. Board certified in anti-aging and regenerative medicine, and also certified as a sexual health practitioner through A4M.
My co-host is Amanda Carter and we practice in Ridgeland, Mississippi at Enhanced Wellness Living. I’m so blessed to have Amanda. She has brought life to our sexual health program for both men and women. So we’re gonna dig into some content, but first I have a little bit of disclaimer. This podcast, we are not here to treat any health condition.
This podcast is for information only. So if you’re having some struggles and want help, please reach out to the clinic. You can reach out to us on our website,, or you can give us a call (601) 364-1132, or you can reach out to your current healthcare provider.
The other disclaimer is that this is adult content. If you have littles sitting around listening to this podcast, you may wanna grab your earbuds or your headphones. We do want you to listen, but we just wanna be responsible about how this content gets out. So grab those earbuds. Let’s dig in. This is gonna be awesome.
Today, we’re interviewing Shane and we’re so excited that Shane has joined us. He is a man’s man. We got to see pictures today of him wrestling alligators. He works every day in construction. He is a rough and tumble kind of guy. And he sat with us today and really shared his personal experience with sexual performance, how he addressed his issues within our practice at Enhanced Wellness Living, the therapies that he initiated for his treatment plan and, and how they worked for him.
So he is going to, you know, help you understand kind of what’s out there in the way of therapies, how they work his response to that and typical. Responses that we get to see with our patients every day. So, I’m so excited that he was willing to come on and share with us his experience. Shane, welcome. I thank you so much for coming on the podcast.
Shane: I didn’t know I had an out- option. . .
Kelly Englemann: We twisted your arm to get you here.
Shane: That’s right,
Kelly Englemann: So, at Enhanced Wellness Living, we treat men struggling with sexual performance and you have had an amazing result with your treatment and have been with us for quite a while. And working on lifestyle changes and things like that, and men just want to hear from men. So we really wanted you to come on and just share you know, your experience with us, what led you to come to the practice, kind of what you, what you walked through in your treatment plan, and then the results that you saw.
Shane: Right. Well, I guess I kind of just got tired of struggling, you know, in the bedroom kind of thing. And I was just googling like, there’s, there’s gotta be some fix to this other than just, you know, taking Viagra or something cause I had tried that before and I, I guess I took it upside down cause the, the wrong head was getting all the blood flow and everything.
Kelly Englemann: So you got a lot of the side effects.
Shane: Oh gosh.
Kelly Englemann: But not a lot of the pleasure.
Shane: Yeah. All the side effects. Yeah. And, and you know, the other part of it with Viagra, , you know, it was I guess you would say the, the hardness was not a natural thing. So it was uncomfortable. Yeah, it was very uncomfortable. Yeah. I mean, it, it was, it was horrible at times. You could have flipped me on my stomach and spun me around like a top, you know. It was horrible. But anyway.
Amanda: Yeah. So when you say you were noticing problems with your performance, what really were you noticing at first?
Shane: Just the inability to keep an erection. Okay. My wife, you know some nights she’s like, all right, we are not playing up, down, up, down all night, you know? So…
Kelly Englemann: Yeah. So it was frustrating for her too.
Shane: Yes, absolutely. Right. Which makes it even more frustrating for me. Yeah. You know, which is just takes a good time and makes it a really bad time for everybody.
Kelly Englemann: Absolutely. Absolutely. Yep. So you were googling.
Shane: Yeah, I was just googling what kind of fixes, what kind of things, you know, I like to try to do the more natural thing.
I hate just popping pills. So, and that’s when I came across your website and the Gaines Wave treatment and the P Shot. So I figured, hey, you know, I got, we gotta do something different. And so that, I made an appointment with y’all and came in there and the first thing we did was the P Shot. And you know, it was you know, when I first came in I was really nervous, you know, about the whole thing.
Had a lot, a lot of anxiety about it really. And you know, afterwards it really wasn’t all that bad and it helped out a lot, you know coming back to see you cause then I’ll learn more about your practice and what y’all do. You know, cause you, you can help, you know, with the penis thing, but. , you know that’s just one part of me that, and, you know, who would’ve thought they’re actually connected , you know?
Right. You know, turns out, you know, drinking a whole lot and eating really bad food doesn’t help your performance either. Right. Throw that on top of a job that’s really stressful and everything, and it’s just, you know, it’s, it’s amazing that anything was able to function.
Amanda: Absolutely. So what was your diet like when you came to us originally?
Shane: Well, the, the biggest reaction I got from Kelly, I think was when I had to tell her, you know, when I honestly sat down and thought about how much I was drinking, you know, when, when I sat down and figured it up. Okay. Like, I, well if I take a ounce and a half, you know, jigger and fill it full of Titos. Oh, that’s one second.
And it’s like, you know, I was doing 10, 12 second pours on my drinks, you know, the Newks cup. And I’d have two of those a night, you know, so when I sit there and thought about it, it’s like, hmm, I’m having 80 to a hundred drinks in a week, you know? And when I go to the VA and they’d ask me like, if you do you drink?
And I was like, well, I’m gonna drink some. And you’re like, well, you drink socially. I’m like, no, I drink professionally, . You know, and they, they would look at me and go, like, if I write that in here, they gonna make you go to a class or you know, or something like, nah, I don’t do that. I’m good. You know, because, I mean, I really, I mean, I didn’t really think I had much of a problem, you know? But I mean, if I wasn’t an alcoholic, I was well on my way.
Kelly Englemann: Right. Right. So it was just a habit. You were stressed, you came home from work, right. You’d pour that drink and you’d start making dinner, right?
Shane: Yep. Yeah. That was my, you know, that was my my daily thing. You know, especially, I mean, to tech, sometimes you don’t even wait till you come home.
You know? I mean, honestly, just being honest and being real. Yeah. You know, everything goes to hell in a hand basket on a job, and it’s, you know, all right, that’s my go-to. Some people had cigarettes, I had Titos.
Kelly Englemann: Right.
Shane: You know?
Kelly Englemann: So we had some conversation about how that could be playing a part.
Shane: Yeah, you seemed like you frowned on that a little bit and I mean, who would’ve thought eat better and quit drinking as much? Would’ve helped a lot of things. Also at the time you know, when I came to you the first time, I, I was having a lot of heart palpitations. I mean, you know, there again, Who would’ve thought Red Bull and vodka was not a good mix along with other things. So we cleaned a lot of that up. I did the detox with you and I noticed that I had a lot more energy. You know, the, the sexual performance things started turning around. mean, there’s a whole lot of, I’ve dropped some weight, gained a little muscle mass, you know, and things really started changing and for the better, you know?
And then like anything else, you, you know, because the, the detox was a three week program and so we, me and my wife both did the three week program. Both of us lost weight and felt a lot better. And then just like any other, you know, kind of quick diet change or whatever, it kind of, you just kind of start going back to the old way, you know?
Kelly Englemann: So you’re saying you detoxed and then you retox.
Shane: I did.
Kelly Englemann: Right. We talk about that a lot.
Shane: It did, yeah. It, it, it did last a little while, right? Yeah. But but no, I mean, it’s, I think sneak back in over time. Yeah. Well, I mean, You have a long day at work and you’re like, you know what? I don’t feel like going home and cooking because I mean, the, the meal prep is, is a… it’s a thing.
Yeah. When you’re trying to eat healthy and eat clean and everything. So, and, and if my wife’s gonna cook, you can throw your whole set up out the window. Because I mean, it’s, you know what? Hand me, hand me a box. Hand me, you know, two cups of water, a cup of milk, gimme a pot, we’re done. Right. You know, where I was taking, you know, like I was making these really delicious cookies and they know they’re not delicious at all, but they’re like almond flour and, and everything that’s not in a real cookie. You know, coconut sugar and, and stevia and stuff like that. And then, But I trained myself to, you know, hey, this is better for you. Plus you can eat like a hundred of them. Cause there’s absolutely nothing in them, you know? So.
Amanda: So with those dietary changes and those lifestyle things coming back into play, did you notice a change in your sexual function during that time?
Shane: You mean like when I, when I went back to my old fried chicken ways?
Kelly Englemann: Yeah, yeah.
Shane: Oh yeah. No, everything started, you know, going back downhill again. I’m like, shoot, man, there must have been actually something to this. So, you know so I come back in, talk to Kelly, you know, we moved some of my supplements and stuff around and, you know, I kind of get reeducated on a few things and get serious about it again.
And you know, I mean, it’s change making a lifestyle change like that when. I’ve had 38 years of eating whatever the heck I want, whether it was in a can of bag or whatever. I mean, you’re gonna kind of have that pendulum swing, you know? Right. But but we’ve, you know, I think it’s, would’ve I been in the clinic now like three years or so?
That’s what I was saying, three to four years. Yeah. So, so now, the pendulum stays more on the other side. And I can, I can tell now when I, when I, you know, first came in, I like, I thought I felt just perfectly fine. You’re like, no, I’m looking at your blood test. You don’t feel fine. I’m telling you, if you think this is fine, you’re wrong.
So now, you know I can f- feel things cause you, you told me start paying attention. Typical man doesn’t pay attention to anything until it’s too late. So I started paying attention to a lot of the things that were going on and now I can like, Hey, wait a minute. You know, shouldn’t eat that. You know, Amanda hooked me up with that LibreLink, the blood sugar thing?
Amanda: Continuous glucose monitoring to monitor for insulin resistance and glucose levels.
Shane: Yep.
Kelly Englemann: So, so what did you learn from that?
Shane: I learned what I should not be eating.
Amanda: Right.
Shane: You, it turns out-
Kelly Englemann: so you can see point in time-
Shane: Applebees maxes that thing out, man.
Kelly Englemann: Yeah. You can see point in time while you’re eating.
Shane: Yep.
Kelly Englemann: Sometimes you can even see how you’re. Sleep is affecting your blood sugar.
Shane: Yes. Right. I noticed I would have my, my blood sugar would drop really low and I would wake up every time on the dot. Yes. When it would drop below, I think of like 70, 75, whatever it was set at.
Kelly Englemann: Mm-hmm. 70. Yeah. Yeah. Set for 70. Yeah. Yeah. So it’s interesting. Your blood flow to your penis. You have more blood flow per centimeter of muscle mass in your penis, in anywhere on your. Which means that that tissue is very metabolically active. Which means that what you eat affects that quicker than it does any other area in the body.
So it shows up. So us having that conversation about getting connected with how your body responds, right? Like how do you feel when you eat that way? , well, I don’t feel so well and I don’t function so well. Right. So you being aware of that helps you navigate on a day-to-day basis. Is that worth it?
Shane: Right.
Kelly Englemann: Is that drink worth it? Is that piece of chicken worth it? You know, only you can make that decision. Right. We can just bring it to light and help you see it a little bit better.
Shane: Right.
Kelly Englemann: So let’s back up cause you said some things about, you know, the P Shot. You had a P Shot early on in your treatment plan. So Amanda, can you go into some of. , you know, mechanisms of the P Shot how it works, and then how- how we do it?
Amanda: Absolutely. The P Shot is actually a very interesting therapy. It’s called P Shot for Priapus Shot. So the P Shot was actually discovered by orthopedic surgeons several decades ago, but it wasn’t until 2009 that they started to use it as facials and noticed that it was helping with facial regeneration preventing Botox and killing wrinkles. Dr. Judson Brandeis. Actually used the therapy on himself first. I
Kelly Englemann: know, I think that was a brave move.
Shane: Yeah. I’m sitting thinking like, I am not gonna try that.
Kelly Englemann: Oh man. Can you imagine?
Amanda: And Dr. Brandeis is a urologist was noticing some sexual performance issues on his own. Looked at the research and decided to be his own guinea pig. So he did the P Shot injections himself, withdrew his blood, spun off the red blood cells got rid of those and just used that platelet rich plasma injected that into his own penile tissue and noticed immediately, right away some good results. What’s interesting about that is not only was it increased sexual performance, but overall body health increased blood flow to his extremities as well.
Kelly Englemann: Yeah, so we’ve been implementing PRP therapy for several years now. I started off using PRP for hair regrowth, and then when I got my formal training in sexual health for men, started doing the P Shot, and I was amazed at how well it works. Even works better when we have an opportunity to clean the diet up beforehand because those platelets are just healthier and those growth factors are healthier and the body’s response is not so distracted with all the other inflammation in the body. So it’s just a phenomenal therapy to implement. And then you had some acoustic wave therapy too. You had GAINSwave. And you’ve had Gaines wave, well, you’ve had acoustic wave therapy, not only in the pelvic region, but you’ve also used acoustic wave therapy all over your body.
Shane: What have we doing? Back shoulder?
Kelly Englemann: You’re a rough and tumble kind of guy and you’ve had multiple injuries and so we’ve used acoustic wave therapy to help expedite the healing process for your body. So tell us a little bit about the patient experience from that perspective.
Shane: Well, I was having, you know, at work I lift a lot and you know, my back will not lock up but be really, really tight muscle spasms and stuff. I’ve gone to chiropractors you know, sometimes it helps more than others, but and, and an elbow as well.
But one of the first times I think you were telling me that we can use it on other things, I’m like, well, heck, my elbow’s killing me. So call Amanda. And she’s like, yeah, come in, let’s give it a shot. Go in there and, you know, she worked on my elbow for a while and it was amazing at the response that I got in just a few days.
You know, something that was, I mean, just a lot of pain to move around and, and use, especially at work. I mean one time I was holding a grinder for, you know, hours upon hours. And just fighting the torque of that thing, you know, is, is horrible. But anyway, I mean, my elbow was just pretty much locked up. I went to one place, you know, they said they did like pain relief.
I’m like, okay, well what are we doing? They’re like, oh, we give you a shot of Toradol. And I’m like, wait a minute. Isn’t that something that they frown upon in the NFL and everything? I was like, I don’t want. You know, stuff like that. So you know, went in there and, and had the Gaines wave on my elbow, and it was, it was amazing the, the difference that it made, you know, and then, I don’t know, probably like two or three months it started bothering me again and came back in, got another treatment.
And, you know, I think I’ve had like, probably what, three treatments maybe on my elbow. And it, it is, it is much better. And I haven’t had as many problems as I normally have out of it. Right. Right now I’m pain free in my elbow, so-
Kelly Englemann: So from a man’s perspective, When they’re having decline in sexual function and they reach out to, to pursue a treatment like acoustic wave therapy or GAINSwave therapy, what would you say to them about that?
Shane: Give it a try for sure. I mean, you know, one of the things that no, no man wants to ever admit he’s having issues. I mean it with his lawnmower, much less his penis, you know? But… she thought that was funny. So-
Kelly Englemann: We all thought that was funny. Let’s be real.
Shane: But you know so I mean, there’s, there’s that psychological thing to get over, but once you get over that, go try it. I mean, it, you know, if, if it doesn’t work, then you don’t have to try it again.
Kelly Englemann: Right, absolutely. So the way that acoustic wave therapy works, you. Sound wave therapy. Some people call it shockwave therapy. I like to stay away from the word. No one wants to shock their penis. Yeah, no. So I like to stay away from the word from shockwave therapy, but acoustic wave therapy, it’s sound wave therapy.
You know, it goes into the tissue, it creates a little microtrauma, a little air bubble that then the body rushes to heal. And I firmly believe the body’s an amazing machine that we have self-healing properties, you know? So basically we. Providing a therapy that helps the body heal. It also improves nitric oxide production.
Mm-hmm. So there’s a compound called nitric oxide that’s responsible for erections, responsible for libido to some degree. And so it really works to restore that endothelial function. It, it helps improve blood vessels like it, it creates angiogenesis. So the creation of new blood vessels and blood flow to the area.
And you know, we, when I started looking at GAINSWave as an option for treatment, I did a lot of research on equipment. Like there’s a lot of different devices that you can use to provide that therapy and I decided, you know, we’re gonna go with the top of the lung equipment. You know, I wanna make sure that our therapies work. And so we do use the stores machine to facilitate GAINSWave treatments and, you know, it doesn’t disappoint for.
Shane: Yeah, I mean, I noticed an a, you, you get a big difference like right after the treatment, and that usually lasts, you know, three days to a week and then you kind of start, you know, going back.
But I mean, you know, it, it is kinda like maintenance is what I’m thinking of it now. Yeah. You know, the way I look at it, you know, you gotta.
Kelly Englemann: So that immediate reaction is nitric oxide. . And that’s, you know, that’s what happens immediately. Lasts for 24 hours, up to three days for, for most men. And then there’s healing time. So there may be a lull for a little bit where, you know, you’re like, oh my gosh, did it really work? It’s gone. But as that healing process works, then it starts improving. And typically we don’t do just one treatment, right? We typically do a series of treatments.
Shane: Right. That was what, that was what y’all said. When I first, I’m like, nah, y’all just trying to take my money. I’m gonna try it one time. You know? And after I tried it one time, you know, I was like, Hey, there might be something to this. Let’s, let’s go ahead and do the, the six treatments.
Kelly Englemann: Yeah. So depending on, you know, the level of function we recommend a certain therapeutic treatment plan, right. You know, everybody has their own individual therapeutic treatment plans, but most men are gonna need about six treatments, and we typically do one treatment a week. And then some men wanna add on a P Shot to that. You know, I, I do believe that the P Shot works better. Some people do it as P Shots, as standalone therapy, and there’s nothing wrong with that. , I believe because of the technology of the acoustic wave therapy, that the P Shot works so much better that I feel guilty if we don’t do a GAINSwave treatment with the P Shot.
Amanda: Yeah, and blood flow is key, right? Yeah. So if you don’t have a good established blood flow, you’re not going to get as good of an result from that P Shot as you would.
Kelly Englemann: Right. Absolutely. Mm-hmm. , you know, when I think about bringing this therapy to the community. You know, I was very thoughtful about it. My selfish reasons for bringing it to the community was I was hearing women, you know, around the menopausal age, really complain about their husband’s loss of interest in them, and understanding male physiology.
I understood that the men was, they’re typically losing nitric oxide. So they’re not performing as well, and so they may not be pursuing as much.
Shane: Right.
Kelly Englemann: And then that’s leaving her feeling. , I don’t matter anymore. Right? I’m not beautiful anymore. He’s not attracted to me. He doesn’t love me. And I’m thinking if we had a tool to help with that side of the fence, then everything else is gonna work better, right? And marriages are gonna be better. And so I wanted to be thoughtful about how, you know, we rolled out this therapy in the community to accomplish that. Right. One of the things that you and I dug into Shane was that nutrition side of things. Yes. And I know when you walked in the door, that was probably the last thing on your mind.
Shane: Yeah, no, I wasn’t thinking anything about the nutrition thing. And then your branch called me a few times, you know, telling me about it. And I was, you know, I was like, okay. Well, yeah, I, I agree with you. I mean, I’ve read the Bible, you know, I know that nutrition’s a big thing and you know, if you, if you read what we were supposed to eat before the flood, and then read what we eat or see what we eat after the flood. They’re two do completely different things, you know? Plus the lifespan of everybody changed, you know, before and after, right. So I’m like, I get it, you know, I’m, I’m with y’all, but you know, not paying the now not ready yet.
Yeah, yeah. Well then it was like, I’m not paying the money, man. I’m like, I, I can go to GNC and get everything I want. We’re good. I see your wall over there. Yeah. I can get those three things. We’re good . So but then when I actually. Got off my rear end, shall we say, and you know, committed to your program and stuff. I was, you know, still a little skeptical, but really impressed with the results. You know, just, just doing a three week detox.
Kelly Englemann: Absolutely. And so you mentioned GNC products. I have to go there. You know, the products that we keep on the shelf at Enhanced Wellness Living, all of them are pharmaceutical grade.
They’ve been tested for purity and potency. Mm-hmm. Which is important. A lot of times there was a study done, I guess about five years ago with GNC, Target, and there was one other vendor that they pulled supplements off the shelf and did a study of saying, okay, if what is in the bottle, what’s on the label?
Is that what’s really in the bottle? Right? And the truth was, no, really. And so, and now that we have the internet to purchase our supplements, there’s a lot of counterfeiting going on. So that label may look exactly like the label in my office. Right. But be something completely different. And so again, when I started my practice, I didn’t wanna have a wall of supplements.
You know, I kind of felt a little bit conflicted about it from an ethical perspective, you’re selling your treatment plan, right? But what I realized was when I gave them their list to go to Rainbow at the time, or, you know, order online, then what they were coming back with were not quality. And as a result of that, they weren’t seeing the results.
Shane: Right.
Kelly Englemann: So, can you speak to results that you had with our products versus what you had previously been getting at GNC? Did you differences?.
Shane: Yeah, I mean, like, so, you know, back in the day when I was working out a lot, it used to be into the, the pre-workout stuff, you know, and had no idea that there was like a million stimulants in there that could cause a whole bunch of art palpitations.
So, you know, when I, when I started using your stuff, well, Let me back up. The pre-workout thing, like NO Explode and things like that, you know I really like the pump effect and everything that it gave me, but you know, there again, heart palpitations. Cause you, I looked the other day at that stuff and I cannot find anything that does not have a bunch of stimulants in it. You know, even like caffeine through whatever. Right. You know, they’re just loaded with it. So and I noticed told me to try that Neo 40. Yes. Is it? Yes. Yeah, that stuff is awesome.
Kelly Englemann: It is awesome. Yeah. Yeah. I take that myself, actually. Yes. So that’s a nitric oxide precursor. So it’s all of the nutrients that you need for the body to make nitric oxide. And as we age, both men and women, after age 40, lose the ability. to make nitric oxide. Mm-hmm. . So the Neo 40 has been a game changer.
Shane: Yeah. Because one thing that you, I remember when we first started talking about it, you know, my, one of my issues was I can get an erection, I just can’t keep it right. You know, and you could probably, you know, say some of that was due to exertion during the day.
That’s one of the reasons I quit going to the gym, you know, work out all in the heat all day. Then you go to the gym and, I mean, you can just hang it up, you know? Mm-hmm. Cook some dinner, drink some vodka, go to bed. But that was my old way right now. Now we don’t do that anymore, but but now with with taking the Neo 40 and stuff, I can tell a big difference.
And I don’t need a, you know, a supplement. When I go in the gym or anything in the morning, I’m, I’m, you know, I can pump up like I used to back when I was 20, you know, just by, you know that Neo 40, right?
Kelly Englemann: That is awesome, awesome. So what we know about sexual changes as we age, I mentioned nitric oxide goes down. So there was a study done on the Massachusetts men’s study that said that men, 40% of men over 40 have some form of erectile dysfunction. 50% of men, over 50, 60% of men, over 60 and 70% of men over 70. . Right? And what we know about the therapies that we have available today is it’s like turning the clot back about five years.
So treating early I think is important if we wanna harness the ability of the body to repair and heal. And so, and I loved what you said, Shane, about, you know, maintenance, staying on some type of program to maintain the function so you’re not letting yourself go back to, cause we age every day. Right. And if we didn’t do anything, The maintenance going, then, you know, five years from now you’re gonna be back to where you were.
Right. So by doing some type of maintenance therapy, whether that means coming in monthly for a GAINSWave treatment or quarterly for a GAINSWave treatment is gonna go a long way at preserving function. Right.
Shane: And I mean, I, I can only think about how unhealthy I lived for how, you know, for so long. Yeah. You know, what kind of damage or anything it could have done. I mean, you, you can’t reverse a lot of that stuff. But that’s why I’m more proactive of now about trying to stay on, like you said, some type of maintenance program and a, a better, healthier diet.
Amanda: Absolutely. And you’ll often hear us say that, you know, sexual health is the barometer of the overall health of the body. Often you may see problems with erectile function, sexual function happen years before you have any true diagnosis of any health problems. So often, that is one place that you will see issues come about first.
Kelly Englemann: Yeah. So that’s why, you know, I recommended for you, Hey, let’s do some lab work. Mm. You know, no one’s looked at lab work in a while, so let’s, let’s do some lab work and we get that lab work back because you felt air quotes fine.
Shane: Yeah, I thought it.
Kelly Englemann: Yeah. Except for the challenges in the bedroom. And then of course we got the lab work back. We could target your therapy. Right. And it wasn’t a shotgun approach of just take everything for sexual help. Yeah, right. It was like, okay, these are the things we need to walk through in order to truly repair the body that give you the tools and the resources that you need to pull it off from a lifestyle perspective.
Right. Because the lifestyle changes you had to. Were not necessarily easy. No. You know it wasn’t about just stopping alcohol, it was figuring out, well, how do I manage that stress side of things? Right? So I don’t need the alcohol. If I want the alcohol to have a little fun, occasionally, not a big deal. Right? But it shouldn’t be the crutch or the go-to, right?
Shane: But for function, one of the, one of the things I noticed as, as I cleaned up my diet, I didn’t necessarily have or feel as stressed as I was, you know?
Kelly Englemann: Interesting.
Shane: And one of the co, one of the funny things I guess is like, you know, you asked me if I was very moody, you know, we’re on a little form, you know, you’re moody?
Like, nah, I’m not moody, you know, and turns out, you know, get my vitamin D back up where it was supposed to be. And yes, I was a very moody, just ask my kids and my wife.
Kelly Englemann: Yeah. Yeah. So you didn’t even realize you were moody until you got your vitamin D restored.
Shane: Thought everything was perfectly fine.
Kelly Englemann: Yeah. Interesting of that. It’s just everybody else was an idiot, right? ?
Shane: No, they won’t tell you anything if you’re very moody. .
Amanda: Well, a lot of it’s insidious too if, if you’re used to being that way day in and day out, that’s just. How you are. That’s just who you are, right? Yeah. You may not notice until you pull those things away and make those changes, and then you really see what being healthy is really like.
Shane: Right? Yeah. Cause I mean, I, I didn’t just start drinking a whole lot overnight, you know? Right. Cause I just drink a little bit, Hey, I kind of like that. And then drink, you know? And so over, you know, five, 10 years, that just kind of what it turned into, you know? So now it’s trying to get back on the other side of that ditch and you know.
Right. Get everything straightened back out.
Kelly Englemann: So one of the things, we’ve had the advantage now, we’ve been treating male sexual health. Since 2018, and so we’ve talked to hundreds of men about sexual performance and their challenges, and one of the things that we hear. More often than not, it was the hardest thing was just picking up the phone.
Shane: Yes.
Kelly Englemann: And making that call.
Shane: Yep. Because I mean, it’s, I mean, I know you now and we’re, we’re good, but you know, back when I’m sitting there looking at your website and I’m going like, do you really want to go in there and talk to, you know, some female doctors about, you know, something not working right there. I was like, I, you know, you make the phone call and then you know, another woman answers like, how many dang people have I gotta tell this to?
Kelly Englemann: Right.
Shane: You know, so, I mean, it was, it was an issue, but there again, go in there and get it done and you know, everything’s fine now.
Kelly Englemann: Right. Absolutely. So, you know, we work hard to really create a, an environment of non-judgment. You know, an environment where you are the center of our attention and an environment of, you know, exclusivity. We’re not gonna talk about your treatment plan to anyone else that you so that you are, you know, you feel confident in coming back. Yeah. Yeah.
Amanda: So, Shane, just kind of tell me about your experience with the process of the GAINSWave treatments themselves. You know, the fears that you had coming in, what the process itself was like, the treatment. Going
Shane: through that. Well, you know what I mean? One of the obvious fears there again, you’re, you’re going in there and, you know, telling people like, Hey, I got something wrong with me. And it, it’s not like I, I cut my arm.
You know what I mean? So the other fear of, you know, I mean the GAINSwave isn’t a cheap deal, so it’s like, is this really gonna work? cause I mean, I hadn’t seen this anywhere else. , you know, you go, if I go to the VA and say, you know, hey, this is wrong with me, they’re like, Hey, take a couple of these pills and these pills are gonna cause this, or take a couple of those pills and if this happens, you know, it, it’s a shotgun kind of thing, you know?
So, I mean, there, there’s that fear. Am I throwing some money away on this? The GAINSwave itself, as far as like painful and stuff. I mean, it, I don’t think it was painful, you know, that you, you had the numbing cream. that helps a little bit. Maybe it’s like a little beer irritation or something, but that’s all. And then once the numbing cream wears off, I mean, You’re ready to use it, so.
Kelly Englemann: Right. No downtime, which is nice.
Shane: Yeah. No, no.
Amanda: Yeah. Yeah. That’s what’s so great about GAINSWave. There’s really nothing you need to do to prepare for the treatment. There’s no preparation. The treatment itself lasts about 20 to 40 minutes, you’ll be in the office and then there’s no downtime. After you’re immediately able to leave, go to the gym, have sexual intercourse. There’s nothing you need to do to recover after.
Shane: Not immediately let the numbing cream wear off.
Kelly Englemann: (laughter) Highly recommend that you let the numbing cream wear off for both parties.
Shane: Yes. I mean, it it for, for the Gaines wave and the P Shot itself. I mean, every time I’ve had one, I’ve used it that night, so.
Kelly Englemann: Okay. Good to hear. Good to hear.
Amanda: We do have a very good process of going through, speaking to people before we treat them. So we don’t treat just anyone. So we do have very good success rates and we do focus on overall health. We go through medications, medical history, you know, what are you looking for? Do you have realistic expectations? Right? So, we have a very good success rate because we are so thorough in our process.
Kelly Englemann: Absolutely. So when you look at the success rate of GAINSwave therapy independent of lifestyle, independent of anything, the success rate is about 70%. And as Amanda was speaking about our screening process for men to make sure we’re using the right tool for the right problem, right? If it’s a blood flow problem, we gotcha it’s gonna work, right? If it’s not a blood flow problem, then we gotta address other things along the way. And of course
when we combine our lifestyle therapies to that, it works even better. So our success rate has been pretty darn phenomenal.
Shane: Mm-hmm. Yeah. I mean, I, I will, I will say that it wasn’t just about the penis, it was about treating you as a person, the whole body, how it works, because they’re, like I said, they’re, they’re connected, so it one’s not gonna, you know, perform independently, the o- the other. And one other thing we never even talked about was the pump.
Kelly Englemann: Yeah.
Shane: You know? Yeah.
Kelly Englemann: So we say the penis pump is like yoga for the penis. And you know, at nighttime you should be having spontaneous erections. That’s exercise for the penis. That’s how the penis kind of repairs itself, is those nocturnal erections or those night time erections, and some men lose the ability to have that activity going on because of nitric oxide being low and other factors maybe not sleeping as well. And so the penis pump is a way to kind of biohack that. And a lot of people look at those penis pumps and they’re like, oh my goodness, what is this?
Shane: Yeah, just all I was thinking of is Austin Powers.
Kelly Englemann: I know. It’s almost like you think, is it gonna electrocute my penis? Like, I’m kind of afraid of that. So yeah, tell us your perspective on that.
Shane: Well, you know, I was highly skeptical there. There again, as, as I always. But after using it for a little while, you know, it, it does have an effect, you know. One of the things about the P Shot, you know, they say that you can get some length or gerth out of it.
It did get a little bit, but I think it’s more or less just getting back what I had when I was younger. Yes. I mean, you know, don’t, don’t come in there thinking that, right. You know, you’re walking out with Yes. A new toy kind of thing. But but anyway, you know, it, it’s still like a little bit weird. I, you know, try to use it or something. My wife, I’m, I think my wife’s sitting there looking at me like, what in the hell are you doing?
Kelly Englemann: I mean, just reading, tell her you’re doing yoga. I’m just doing yoga over here. That’s all I’m doing.
Shane: A little different yoga, but, okay. But I mean, no, she’s, you know, and then that was another thing, you know, telling her getting something like this done. You know, she was like skeptical.
Kelly Englemann: How did you handle that conversation? Because a lot of men, quite honestly, are not even having the conversation with their wives. Yeah. They don’t want anyone to know they’ve ever come. Right. They haven’t even discussed it. We encourage them to discuss it with their partner, but yeah, a lot of times they just don’t.
Shane: I, that was me at first. I’m like, I ain’t telling nobody nothing. I’m just going here with my, you know, that was a great thing about COVID I could put my mask on, right? In the office getting worked on. My pants are off, but I got my mask on, so we’re okay. You don’t really know who I am, even though the, the patient sheet tells you. But anyway so when I’m sitting there, You know, finally talking to my wife about it. She’s like, where did you go to get this? Who are these people? You know, all this stuff. You know, so there, there is a little bit of a, a, a thing there, but you know, after, you know, after she saw some results and you know, everything she is, you know, finally okay with it and, you know, now she goes to see Amanda now and, and you’ve done some of the treatments on the back of her legs with the Gaines wave to try to Fight the cellulitis thing. So.
Kelly Englemann: Yeah. That’s awesome.
Shane: So that, that GAINSWave thing is it works for a lot of different stuff. It
Kelly Englemann: really does. That acoustic wave therapy, it’s just helping the body heal. Right. So, yeah. That’s awesome. One
Amanda: thing I did wanna add about the pumps is quality matters. Just like with. Our supplements and pharmaceuticals quality does matter. So if you’re getting ones from adult stores or convenience stores or things like that, you can cause injury. There’s no guidelines. There’s, you know, sometimes not even limitations on those pumps. So quality does matter with those.
Shane: I do like the ones y’all have now cause it’s got the gauge on there.
Kelly Englemann: Yes.
Shane: You know, because, you know, typical guy thing. , pop it in there and sit there and pump it until you can’t stand it anymore. And turns out I was doing more damage than good with it. So but now y’all got the good ones. I got the gauge. I know exactly where I’m at and where I’m supposed to be, you know, so that’s, that was a lot helpful of getting a good one.
Kelly Englemann: So you mentioned a little bit about getting girth back. You know, a lot of times as men, They lose size and they don’t realize they’ve even lost size. I did not. And for females, the girth size does matter for internal orgasm. And so a lot of times she’ll start, stop having orgasms. It’s because he’s lost size and they don’t have, neither one of them have a clue.
Right. Like it’s not something that she would perceive that he’s smaller. Right. And it’s just so- and then she beats herself up because she can’t have orgasm. So that was another fun thing about treating the men. I know I’m helping the females too. Right. And that’s probably what your wife experienced once she over the shock, well, I’m not gonna brag or anything, you know, what’s that? When she got over the shock of you having those treatments, she saw the benefit to both of you guys?
Shane: Yeah. No, actually I, you know, there again you, my penis is not gonna intimidate anybody. So it’s, it’s not like I’m, you know, bragging about myself here. But Naomi, she, she actually noticed the, the, the girth size. Yes. Before I did. Yeah. You know, so yeah.
Kelly Englemann: That’s a pretty obvious thing once it comes back. Not real obvious once it’s when it’s gone. Right. But once it’s back, it’s like, oh yeah, that does feel like it used to feel so. Pretty amazing. Well, Shane, thank you so much for being brave enough to come on to with us to the podcast and really open up the conversation for men to have first with the, with themselves, recognizing there’s a challenge then possibly with their partner and then with their healthcare provider so that they can get the help that they need and restore the function sexually.
Shane: Well, you know, I’m here to help, sir. Thank you.
Kelly Englemann: Thank you.
Shane: Yeah, thank y’all.
Kelly Englemann: Thanks guys, for listening. I hope this information really sparked some interesting curiosity in you. If you liked what you heard, please follow us on your favorite podcast platform. Again, you can reach out to us at Enhanced Wellness Living, and then of course you can give us a call, (601) 364-1132.