We’ve all heard the term “oxidative stress” but what exactly does it mean? Oxidative stress occurs when the body has too many free radicals, which are atoms or molecules with an unpaired electron. These free radicals occur naturally in our bodies as a result of normal metabolic processes, such as respiration and digestion. But when these free radicals are produced in excess, they can cause damage to cells, leading to a variety of health problems. Let’s break down how oxidative stress works and how you can combat it.
The Damage Caused by Oxidative Stress
Oxidative stress is believed to be one of the primary causes of aging and is associated with numerous chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer and neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. It can also contribute to fatigue, joint pain, muscle soreness and skin problems like wrinkles. So how do we prevent this from happening?
Combating Oxidative Stress
The best way to protect your body from oxidative stress is by eating a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables help fight off free radicals in the body before they cause any damage. Additionally, supplementing with vitamins C and E has been shown to reduce oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Regular exercise also helps protect against oxidative stress by increasing blood flow throughout the body and helping flush out toxins that could lead to cell damage if left untreated. Finally, reducing your exposure to environmental pollutants like cigarette smoke or air pollution will help keep your body healthy by limiting your contact with dangerous chemicals that can contribute to oxidative stress.
Take Care of Oxidative Stress
Oxidative stress is an important factor when it comes to overall health and well-being. By understanding what oxidative stress is and how it affects us, we can better understand how important it is for us to take steps towards protecting ourselves from it.
- Eating a balanced diet full of antioxidants-rich foods: We know eating whole foods is important for overall health, but following the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen List to get high quality and clean sources of produce is important too! We are faced with many toxins each day, so minimize your risk and choose clean foods!
- Supplementing with vitamins C & E for a strong immune system: Vitamin C is an amazing antioxidant (helps fight stress!), supports collagen production (bye bye wrinkles!), repairs damaged cells, and of course is a strong piece of immune function! Vitamin E is also an antioxidant great for fighting stress and for immune support!
- Exercising regularly: We recommend daily movement for at least 30 minutes to snag all the great benefits that come with working your body such as managing everyday stress! Choose an activity you enjoy doing and switch it up every now and then for diversity and variety to reduce the effects of oxidative stress on your body!
- Minimizing exposure to environmental pollutants: Focus on clean food, clean air, and clean water to lower your risk of toxic exposure to combat oxidative stress in your everyday life!
All these steps can help reduce risks of developing health issues related to oxidative stress. Taking care of yourself now will pay off in the long run!