Our Enhanced Wellness Living Ambassadors exemplify our mission to provide education, support, and awareness around Functional, Integrative, and Lifestyle Medicine! We sincerely thank each of our patients and Ambassadors for allowing us to be a part of your Wellness Journey! Contact us today to take control of your health and Live Life Well!
601-724-7882 EWLiving.Info@gmail.com
Enhanced Wellness Living Ambassador: Mallory Strickland, Meridian, MS
“When I started at EWL, I had suffered with debilitating migraines for over 11 years and was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s in 2022. I struggled tremendously with weight gain and having to cancel plans, either because of a migraine or the lack of self-confidence to step out in public. I decided to call EWL and set up an appointment. Kelly and her team listened to my story, conducted in-depth testing, and began to develop a winning plan for me. With EWL’s guidance, I started a program to heal myself from the inside out! It has been 3 months, and I feel better than amazing! I started the program 5 months postpartum, and because of EWL, I have more energy to play with my now 8-month old, have a much deeper understanding and better connection with food, and have not had a single migraine! My relationship with myself has moved in a positive direction for the first time in years. While I knew going into the program that this was going to be an investment, I would never hesitate to make that choice again. With the help of Kelly and her team, I have a much healthier future and food-knowledge I will gladly pass down to my children. I am so grateful for EWL and all they have done to help me!”
Enhanced Wellness Living Ambassador: Katie White, Newellton, LA
“I started at EWL exactly 1 year after having my son. My body wasn’t functioning optimally – I was stressed out, irritable, irrational and felt like I was in constant fight or flight. Some of my issues were due to regular life stress, but I knew deep down that something was definitely off. I’m an agronomist turned clinical mental health counselor – so I know all about our food system, diet, mental health, and coping skills, but I was depleted to a point where I wasn’t able to implement anything. That’s where Kelly & her team come in! EWL has given me the tools, resources, supplements and support to actually implement a sustainable lifestyle change. I love that everything they do is backed by labs, numbers and research. They also have never once shamed me or made me feel bad for any number on the scale, lab result, or question I’ve asked (and I ask a lot). At the traditional doctor I’ve always been considered “healthy” but EWL has helped me get to the root cause of my gut feeling of being off. Is EWL an investment? 100%. I’m a new mom on a new therapists salary – however, my marriage has improved, my relationship with my son has improved, my relationship with coworkers and patients at work has improved, and my relationship with myself has improved – and all of those areas of my life are priceless (especially my husband, son, & self)! I’m so, so grateful for everyone at EWL & how they have positively impacted my life.”
Enhanced Wellness Living Ambassador: Patricia Wines, Edwards, MS
“My journey with EWL began when my General Practitioner want to put me on a second cholesterol medication. After researching the side effects of the combination of the 2 cholesterol medications he was wanting to put me on, I decided it was time to make a change. I heard about EWL through a family friend, and a change in my lifestyle began. I am learning the value of healthy, organic foods and the nutrition they provide. I have become a very picky shopper as I am now conscious of what I buy in the grocery store. Before EWL, I would just grab something and throw it in my basket. Now, I head over to the organic section, check everything out carefully, and place it in my basket. I read labels and look for certain ingredients that are not something I want in my body. I am also slowly eliminating harmful chemicals that I put on my body and in my house. The nutrition and lifestyle practices I have learned through Enhanced Wellness Living has been a life changer. I have lost 25 pounds and gained more energy. My cholesterol and triglycerides numbers have dropped. I have stopped taking my cholesterol medication and am embracing the EWL lifestyle.”
Enhanced Wellness Living Ambassador: Jimmy Smith, Brandon, MS
“When I first visited Enhanced Wellness, I was on medication for high blood pressure, and high cholesterol and had just gotten blood-work showing my A1C in the diabetic range. This was a real wake up call for me since I had seen what this disease did to my father, and this was not what I wanted to go through or put my family through. My regular doctor mentioned another medication I could take to lower my A1C, but I wanted to try something else that did not include another medication. When I first met with Kelly, she asked me what my goals were, and I told her that I did not want to go on medication for diabetes (reverse my insulin resistance and lower my A1C) and come off my blood pressure and cholesterol medication. Following Kelly’s and her team’s guidance, I have lowered my A1C from 6.5 to 5.3, have quit taking my blood pressure and cholesterol medication, have more energy and no longer have constant body aches and stiffness. I feel better than I have in a long time. Although weight loss was not my goal, so far I have lost over 25 pounds.”
Enhanced Wellness Living Ambassador: Noel Brantley, Madison, MS
“After a lifetime of digestive, hormonal, and skin issues that eventually turned into a full blown inflammatory illness, Kelly Engelmann gave me the tools and education I needed to heal my body. By educating me on the food I eat, helping me understand the importance of air quality in my home and work environment, and prescribing the right supplements, she set me up for a healthy future. I’m so thankful everyday for Kelly and her staff at Enhanced Wellness Living!”
Enhanced Wellness Living Ambassador: Heather Head, Flowood, MS
“One year ago, I was overwhelmed and desperate. I was exhausted from working a high-stress job and keeping up with the schedules of a very busy husband and three active kids. I suffered with unresolved GI issues that I had spent a lot of time and money trying to figure out. I relied on coffee to get through every day, and by the end of the week, I was so tired that I had no energy to spend with my family. I decided to contact Enhanced Wellness Living and set up an appointment. Kelly Engelmann and her staff listened to me, conducted thorough testing, and educated me on all areas of wellness, including exercise, diet, and mindfulness. I began a regimen to heal my GI issues, and I am so thankful that it’s working! One year later, I feel amazing! I was able to leave my job for another fun and exciting opportunity. I don’t rely on coffee to get through the day anymore and found that I can function without it! I have enjoyed having energy again to spend time with my family—I took my girls to their volleyball tournament at the beach, hiked mountains in Chattanooga with my husband, and recently cheered on my Ole Miss Rebels at the Men’s College World Series in Omaha. Thank you Enhanced Wellness Living for helping me on this healing journey. I am grateful for how far I’ve come the past year and excited to see what strides I can make for my health in the future!”
Enhanced Wellness Living Ambassador: Diana Myers, Flowood, MS
“My Enhanced Wellness Living experience began a little over 4 years ago. At the time, conventional doctors had no answers or solutions for my ongoing medical issues. During my first visit with Kelly Engelmann, she listened to me carefully and began looking for root causes rather than simply masking symptoms. This functional medicine approach has helped me to see improvements in my health. I look forward to learning more and to continuing my health journey with Kelly’s help. Seeking health for me has become a lifestyle rather than a one time program. Thank you to Kelly and her caring staff for supporting me and encouraging me on my journey!”
Enhanced Wellness Living Ambassador: Elaine Smith, Utica, MS

Enhanced Wellness Living Ambassador: Georgia Ryle, Drew, MS
“Working with Kelly and EWL has helped me get my weight back to a healthy place, have energy to keep up with my active family, and get rid of the inflammation and joint aches. She taught me the value of eating real whole foods and truly listening to my body. Kelly helped me get to the root of my issues and not mask them with another prescription. Thank you, Kelly and staff! You have been such a blessing to me.”
Enhanced Wellness Living Ambassador: Karen Tharp, Flora, MS
“Kelly has always looked for the reasons behind health issues and not just treated the symptoms. This has been key in successfully treating me for chronic problems I have had over the years. Several doctors and specialists told me that a daily antibiotic regimen for the rest of my life was the answer. This was destroying my gut, overall health, and peace of mind. Kelly has helped me calm inflammation by tackling blood sugar issues and by teaching me to incorporate moderate exercise, a clean diet, and mindful practices. I’m still on a journey, but Kelly’s advice, testing, and monitoring always get me back on track.”
Enhanced Wellness Living Ambassador: Cindy Barron, Florence, MS
“This journey that I am taking with Enhanced Wellness has been life changing. The tools, supplements, resources and wisdom available have enabled me to take control of my health. I am finally learning to live life well, and am very grateful to Kelly and her team for the support and encouragement they offer.”

Enhanced Wellness Living Ambassador: Karen Freeny, Brandon, MS
“I started my journey with Enhanced Wellness Living almost four years ago. The biggest change in my health has been the decrease in the inflammation in my body that was caused by normal stress, increased from the direct impact of close loved ones battling health issues, poor gut health, and imbalanced hormones. I was living in a constant fight or flight mode and had no idea. I never knew how much one’s gut health determines overall health and well-being. I have learned the importance of good quality foods and nutrition, including the right supplements, exercise, and mental well-being. Each of these areas must be balanced in order to live a healthy life. Kelly and her team at EWL have such a deep passion for helping others achieve optimal health and well being. I am so thankful God allowed our paths to meet.”
Enhanced Wellness Living Ambassador: Sondra Barnes, Braxton, MS
“Kelly Engelmann and her team at Enhanced Wellness Living have helped me in so many ways! It hasn’t just been about weight loss for me, I feel better, sleep better, and my digestive health has improved. I feel like Kelly was interested in helping me address all areas of my health from stress levels to food choices. I look at food differently now and making healthy choices has helped me to look forward to the future!”
Enhanced Wellness Living Ambassador: Fred Davis, Jackson, MS
“Kelly Engelmann and her Enhanced Wellness Living Clinic staff helped me focus on my immune system… making sure it is working for me and not against me. We are lowering inflammation and oxidation to improve my chances for “healthy longevity.” The results are, I feel and look better, and my lab markers are improving. Also, their InBody Scan equipment holds me accountable in my exercise routine. As it turns out, scientific research has proven that aging can be slowed. Kelly Engelmann knows this; she spends a great deal of time studying the research, and she does her own research; she is also diligent about continuing her medical education… notice all the “letters” after her name!”
Enhanced Wellness Living Ambassador: Sherie Bailey Holland, Oxford, MS
Last month Sherie shared her perspective as a part of the EWL team, this month we congratulate Sherie on being our patient Ambassador of the Month!
13 years ago, Sherie became pregnant with her daughter after 10 years of “normal” testing yet facing symptoms of hair loss, infertility, brain fog and the inability to think clearly, slow heart rate, low blood pressure, rapid weight gain with no ability to lose weight, severe PMS, and puffy hands and feet…textbooks symptoms of hypothyroidism. Throughout her personal journey, she faced misdiagnoses, including being diagnosed as bipolar.
At her first pregnancy OBGYN appointment, the doctor discovered a thyroid nodule. After a challenging pregnancy, Sherie gave birth to her daughter a month early. Two months later Sherie had half of her thyroid surgically removed. From here, Sherie took the proper steps, including detoxing her body and taking JuciePlus and iodine, to overcome nutritional deficiencies.
Sherie now serves as a health advocate on a mission to empower people in learning how to become better advocates for their health and the health of their families! She hopes to close the gap from the time that people experience symptoms to when they are properly diagnosed. Sherie founded Recontrol Health as she believes in educating the public on thyroid health, nutrition, and holistic approaches to healing the body!
Sherie is an American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) Certified Lifestyle Health Coach, a Board-Certified Health Coach with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, and a Metabolic Effect Nutrition Consultant.
Enhanced Wellness Living Ambassador: Cayme Smalldridge, Ridgeland, MS
Cayme Smalldridge found Enhanced Wellness in 2015, during the period in her life that she was transitioning into Menopause; an important time in any woman’s life to make educated, health and nutrition decisions. Cayme had always led an active lifestyle but was facing inflammation, muscle and joint pain, and the impact of old athletic injuries. Functional Medicine and the individual Wellness Living Plan that Kelly Engelmann developed for Cayme has changed her life and health!
Cayme says that the biggest change in her life, and the lives of her family, has been the consistency in their health and lifestyle choices. Maintaining her integrative and functional medicine journey has educated and empowered Cayme on the ability to consistently make healthy choices for herself and her family; the health ripple effect that Kelly believes in! Cayme recently completed her 200 Registered Yoga Teacher Training and participated in the Natchez Trace Century Ride, biking for 62 miles/100 kilometers! This is amazing, congrats Cayme!
A favorite quote of Cayme’s is, “you are never too old and its never too late!”
Enhanced Wellness Living Ambassador: JoAnn Purvis, Jackson, MS
“My name is Tamara Laney and I wanted to share what it has been like seeing my mom, JoAnn Purvis, take her health to another level. For the past thirty years, my parents have been the picture of good health. Mom is seventy-seven years old and has lived a very active lifestyle, but everything came to a screeching halt last summer. She started experiencing extreme joint pain in her arms, shoulders, ankles, and hands, to the point where she could not even get out of bed. After countless doctor’s appointments, Mom was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. I will never forget the phone call from my dad saying, “We have got to figure out what is causing JoAnn’s pain; it’s not right for an active person to be this crippled so fast.” After that phone call, that is when I started my homework researching many different functional medicine practices and trying to find the best fit.
Finding a place like Enhanced Wellness Living that would pinpoint the root cause of mom’s pain was a relief. The best part was knowing there was a game plan to heal her leaky gut due to inflammation. Taking the burden off our shoulders and allowing Kelly’s group to share their knowledge on developing a lifestyle of clean eating, exercise, and good sleep habits was exciting!
I am fortunate to have parents that have been open-minded to modifying their lifestyle at their age. It hasn’t been easy; it has taken a lot of effort. Good things come to those who follow the plan. As a result of Kelly’s help and support, mom is back doing the things she loves to do. Gardening, cooking, walking, exercising three days a week, attending church events, and socializing with friends. All these activities free of pain and with an abundance of energy!
I can’t say enough for what EWL has done for our family. It’s been a ripple effect and has allowed all of us to see the value of clean eating. Mom continues to learn more each month and stay positive along the way.”
Enhanced Wellness Living Ambassador: Shawna Myers, Canton, MS
“My journey to Enhanced Wellness is probably very different than most; however, I’m certain in some ways very similar. Different in the fact that I had just had a preventative double mastectomy and similar in the fact that so many of us have moments when we question our well-being, and should we be doing more. I don’t think most people would take on a new way of life in the middle of such a journey; yet, by doing so, the simple truth is… Enhanced Wellness has changed my life.
I chose to begin this trek with Kelly Engelmann not knowing the profound impact it would have on me. While trying to heal from one surgery, knowing I would still need several more, I started this program. I joined with the hopes of being healthier through this experience but never realizing how much I truly needed it in order to get better. I ran into several complications in my effort to heal. Complications that could have an impact on my overall health throughout my lifetime. Enhanced Wellness discovered these issues and with Kelly’s help I am finally on the right path. Now, after many months, I’ve finally healed enough to move on to the next surgery. A healing that I know in my heart would not have been possible without Enhanced Wellness.
This encounter has not only impacted my health for surgical purposes but made me actually feel better physically. I had no idea how bad I was truly feeling, until I finally started to feel better. I’ve lost over 30 pounds. I sleep better. I have more energy. No more afternoon slumps. I cannot say enough for what Kelly Engelmann and Enhanced Wellness have done for me. I am truly humbled by this opportunity and I feel incredibly lucky to continue this journey with the entire staff, all of whom have been nothing but kind and genuinely supportive throughout my whole experience. I will forever be grateful.”
Enhanced Wellness Living Ambassador: Mary Miller, Ridgeland, MS
“How thankful I am for Kelly Engelmann’s holistic approach to health challenges!
A unique combination of hereditary and environmental issues had swirled together into my “perfect storm”. Kelly’s systematic discovery of conditions & their causes has made sense of symptoms, bringing understanding where frustration previously reigned.
Her pro-active, drug-free approach — which includes excellent counsel regarding nutrition, proper supplements, exercise, & rest — has helped me to bring my mindset into closer harmony with God’s health principles. “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” (3 John 1:2)”
Enhanced Wellness Living Ambassador: Deborah Rosenbaum, Madison, MS
“Kelly Engelmann and her team at Enhanced Wellness Living have been a pleasure to work with. Having been a pharmacist for many years, I have a new appreciation for the impact functional medicine can have on the outcome and prevention of chronic disease. Kelly focuses on treating the root cause of symptoms due to hormone imbalance, insulin resistance, vitamin deficiencies, stress responses, gut issues, and chronic inflammation.
She uses an individualized treatment plan with nutrition as the key component to resolving these imbalances along with natural supplements. This approach has impacted my health in a positive way of helping to improve and eliminate chronic symptoms I have dealt with for a long time. Under Kelly’s guidance and care, I now have the tools and information to make sustainable lifestyle changes and continue to feel the best I have ever felt in my life!”